

Release Your Music to Over 150+ Digital Stores and Streaming Platforms for free and keep 80% of Your Sales, Downloads, and Streaming Revenue.


Free Music Distribution

Drop unlimited singles, EPs and albums on more global music services than anywhere else.

Release to the biggest music streaming, download and social platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, Amazon, Deezer, Instagram, and Tidal and more.

Keep 100% earnings

All the royalties you earn go straight into your pocket.

We believe artists should stay independent, keep complete control of their careers and not be tied down by unfair deals and shady industry contracts.

Tools & Insights

Track your music’s performance across major platforms and learn where in the world your fans are listening.

Explore streaming insights, download numbers and audience demographic data from your Distribute Music dashboard to help you plan the best next steps for your career.

Share royalties instantly

Automatically split payments with band mates, producers or anyone else who deserves a piece of the action.

Collaborators can set up a free Distribute Music account to claim 100% of their share.


Get a free Ditto SmartLink every time you release new music so fans can Pre-Save on Spotify, Apple Music and Deezer before your music drops.

Then when it's out, share your sounds across all the major platforms with just one link.

What Our Artists Say.


Rafin Ahmed

Distribute Music is the best free music distribution service I've ever used.

Alisha Arfi

Distribute Music has helped get my music out to millions of new listeners!

Get in touch


71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ

Contact us


+1 (234) 385-9700

© Distribute Music LTD 2024. Company No: 15549710. VAT Number: GB465778731